Saturday, June 30, 2018

Join occult secret society in any part of the country for money💰 ritual and powers call +2348181401463

we the member of lionsheart occult we have make life easy for every that wish to be part of us we dont just give out only money but we make sure you are protected and powerful .

Apart from initiation into our brotherhood, we have some of our Great spiritualist(great witches)who specialises in handling some of your problems such as aura cleansing,jinx/hex removal,protection,promotion at your place of work,bullet prof,invisibility and disappearance, charm against witches and wizards,fruit of the womb etc.So far in your life,  Do you make all  the money you need?  Do you have that one special person (notice I said special not perfect) that makes you happy?  Are things going well in your home, your work, your school? No?   Well, then maybe its time to use a little MAGIC BATH !

SPIRITUAL BATHING is a cleansing ritual where you consciously bathe your body, your mind and your spirit and prepare yourself to attract Love, Money, Happiness and reverse undesirable conditions.  It’s easy, pleasant and YUMMY, YUMMY  you can even share the experience with that special someone and make your relationship even stronger.

There are many products that can help you perform this bathing ritual.  here’s some of our favorites:Click on the pictures below to see what this can for you and their prices.

SPIRITUAL BATH GELS - They contain the real Plant, root or botanical Inside.  A Perfect Way to Spiritually Cleanse Your Body for Any Magical Ritual.  Available in:

Patchouli Bath Gel - For Personal Attraction
Rue Bath Gel - To Keep Away Negative Energy
Road Opener Bath Gel - To Open Horizons and Expand Possibilities
Cinnamon Bath Gel - To attract money and fortune
Macaw Bird Bath Gel - Comes with the nest of the Macaw bird and it used for good luck and to attract love and fortune


Spiritual Herbal Bath  - This is one of the most traditional ways to do spiritual washes.  Herbs, according to their essence, are used for drawing money, finding love, removing jinxes, opening roads and a myriad of other magical uses. mportant Things about the World's Top Paranormal Abilities

No matter how often people deny it, the world abounds with mysteries that cannot be solved by a realistic paradigm. There are many ways to explain the mysteries in the world, yet getting attached to one explanation is not sufficient enough. One of the most famous topics in the realm of mysteries is the existence of paranormal abilities.

Paranormal abilities can be hard to comprehend and grasp, but below are some fine examples that have been parts of our culture for many years now.

Extra Sensory Perception: the famed Sixth Sense

All throughout life, human beings utilize their five senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. These senses are essential for everyone to live normally and experience the beautiful things that the world can offer. For many psychics and paranormal experts across the world, there is a sixth sense called the Extra Sensory Perception. The immaterial world has vague explanations regarding ESP. Some people say that ESP is the act of knowing something through the mind. ESP tests are also famous and a large percentage of them yielded accurate results.

A common explanation of ESP is the fact that a large field of energy interconnects all beings with each other. Through this energy field, receptive people gather information they need even without the use of the cardinal senses. ESP is useful in many situations, especially those that involve danger and utmost secrecy.

Telepathy: voiceless communication

While direct communication is crucial for understanding among individuals, some things are better said in secret. According to many psychics, telepathy is a way of communication through the mind. Whenever a person delving in telepathy wants to send a message, he or she can do it by tapping into the great field of consciousness. By envisioning the receiver of the message, the sender can pitch images and visions. These images will then be received as fragments or messages in the subconscious mind. Telepathy can also affect a person’s decisions indirectly, since the sender of the message has the power to influence the mind.

Some psychics have claimed that they can also do telepathic runs with animals and plants. This allows them to understand the physique of the creatures much better.

Clairvoyance: greater perception

Clairvoyance and telepathy are almost the same, yet there is a fragile line that creates the difference between them. Telepathy is all about the direct or intentional transfer of information from one source to another. Clairvoyance is something deeper—something attuned to the immaterial and psychic world. Clairvoyance is also “greater perception” because this is the act of perceiving large-scale events before they even happen. The source of the information is often unknown, but psychics are convinced that it is coming from the field of consciousness in order to deliver an omen or message.

In the realistic world, clairvoyance is often represented as foresight or pattern recognition. Foresight, however, is different since it relies on physical and visual patterns that can affect major decision-making. Foresight has been useful in the field of business planning, corporate takeovers, economic power plays, political processes, and many more.

Astral projection: getting into the immaterial plane

Psychics and spiritualists believe that you can separate your spirit from your body. This controversial act is known as astral projection. Once your spirit is separated, you can travel vast distances and visit locations similarly to what you would do if you were awake. This is one of the most heavily scrutinized psychic abilities of all time since it defies the law of realism.

The act of separation from the body is also a very delicate process. Your mind must be clear and you must have full control over your dreams. According to many psychics, common lucid dreaming techniques can help you achieve full spiritual separation. However, you must keep your concentration high enough, or your spirit would not get back to the body. Some say that this can lead to instant death or coma situations.

Telekinesis: move them with your mind

This is another controversial psychic ability that has gathered the attention of thousands of skeptical people from many countries. Telekinesis or Psychokinesis is all about the art of moving objects with the power of the mind. In literature, Stephen King’s Carrie had this ability, and she used this to cause mayhem against her enemies. There is still no factual evidence regarding this ability, but psychics claim that it can be exercised through proper mind setting.

Conclusion – the essence of known psychic abilities

Psychic abilities, without a doubt, can help you achieve many things in life. With such powers, you could reach your goals easily and you could even win the support of many people. However, it is important that you conduct your own research about the nature of psychic abilities since the evidences about them are not strong enough. Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong in questioning the existence of psychic powers.

Greetings fellow brothers and sisters of the zaga the true owner of wealth, riches, fame, protection, lust and powers to you Lucifer i pledge my alligance. The God of this world, the shining light that no other light has subdue the only one who hold the entire world

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